I've just finished reading The Change Agent's latest issue (Technology) and would like to strongly recommend it as a reading/writing teaching resource. As with all TCA issues, most of the articles are written by students, so the content almost always resonates with student readers. The editors are now designing activities for each reading that apply the more rigorous demands of the College and Career Readiness Standards; for example, readers are asked to collect evidence from the text, organize information, and make inferences based on stated and graphically-presented information. To help with fluency and comprehension instruction, subscribers are provided with the readability level of each article and audio versions of many of them.
I work just down the hall from the editors, and we've been dialoging about the Student Achievement in Reading (STAR) initiative--I'm a trainer--and how TCA might help reading teachers find good leveled resources (there aren't a whole lot of texts out there for adult mid-level readers!) I'm unabashedly biased, but I'm not steering you wrong.
Check it out at http://www.nelrc.org/changeagent/
Carey Reid
SABES Staff Developer for Licensure, Curriculum, and Assessment
World Education, Inc.
44 Farnsworth Street
Boston, MA 02210