Join Strengthening Community College Grantees in Bridging the Research to Practice Gap

Join Strengthening Community College Grantees in Bridging the Research to Practice Gap

Register NOW for one or more of three roundtables focused on sharing lessons learned from TAACCCT with current community college grantees and the wider workforce development community. Multiple research studies from the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) grants recently became available.  These roundtables summarize key findings in 50-minute sessions that will feature expert speakers with time for audience Q&A.  They will be hosted on November 16, 17, and 18, 2021, by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Chief Evaluation Office and Employment and Training Administration.  

Registration links:

November 16, 1:00pm ET: What is Important When You’re Engaged in Community College Systems Change?  

November 17, 11:30am ET: Building Career Pathways: Insights from TAACCCT  

November 18, 11:30am ET: What Do Employers Value in Partnerships with Community Colleges?