Two Next Gen Sector Partnerships Toolkits

Talking Points for Recruiting Business Leaders

Business partners are foundational to all strong Next Gen Sector Partnerships. But how do you find strong business leaders and engage in meaningful conversations with them? We’ve fielded a lot of questions recently around how to start conversations with businesses.  Please find talking points for making the initial request for participation here. There is no more efficient way to engage businesses than a business-to-business ask. Thus, recruiting the first few champions is the most important and biggest task for community support partners. We hope these talking points will be helpful in guiding your conversations.

Taking Stock of Industry Engagement Activities in your Region

Next Gen sector partnerships provide a shared table for businesses to tackle multiple issues that impact the competitiveness of their industry.  Whether you are planning to launch a partnership or your partnership is well established, it can be helpful to take stock of existing industry engagement activities in order to understand where and how businesses are being approached by public partners. This can help public partners  design collective responses that increase efficiency and reduce employer fatigue. Module 2 provides tips for coordinating business services and an activity to diagnose fragmented industry engagement. For launching partnerships this activity helps identify the need for a partnership,  who needs to be brought into the partnership, and opportunities for collaboration. For existing partnerships the activity can help identify actions in order to further streamline business services. See Module 2  of the toolkit to learn more.

For the full set of monthly toolkit tips and other resources please visit Tools and Recordings
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