The Council of State Governments (CSG), in partnership with the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), convened the National Task Force on Workforce Development for People with Disabilities, whose members recently authored, Work Matters A Framework for States on Workforce Development for People with Disabilities. As leading associations representing state policymakers, CSG and NCSL are uniquely poised to highlight the issue of disability employment at the state level. The National Task Force oversaw the work of four subcommittees, each focusing on a unique policy area impacting the employment of people with disabilities:
- Career Readiness & Employability;
- Hiring, Retention & Reentry;
- Entrepreneurship, Tax Incentives & Procurement;
- Transportation, Technology & Other Employment Supports.
We explore in this work a diverse range of components that can influence the development of the workforce of people with disabilities. This report serves as a guide on each of the policy areas the task force explored, designed to assist states in improving the ways the public sector serves people with disabilities and provides state examples of innovative programs and policies. A key tenet of the framework is having people with disabilities at the table when policy decisions are made. We encourage you to read the full report for more
Published: December 2016
Lead Authors
Elizabeth Whitehouse
The Council of State Governments
Kyle Ingram
National Conference of State Legislatures
Bobby Silverstein
Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville PC
The National Task Force on Workforce Development for People with Disabilities was convened in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy’s State Exchange on Employment and Disability in its efforts to foster a nationwide workforce more inclusive of people with disabilities