1) Opportunity Number: FOA-ETA-22-07 and Title: Workforce Pathways for Youth
- Estimated Post Date: Jan 24, 2022
- Expected Number of Awards: 5
- Estimated Total Program Funding: $10,000,000
- Award Ceiling: $2,500,000
- Award Floor: $0
- Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: No
- Eligible Applicants: Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
- Agency Name: Employment and Training Administration
- The Workforce Pathways for Youth demonstration grants support national out-of-school time (OST) organizations that serve historically underserved and marginalized youth ages 14 to 21. These grants will place an emphasis on age-appropriate workforce readiness programming to expand job training and workforce pathways for youth, including soft skill development, career exploration, job readiness and certification, summer jobs, year-round job opportunities, and apprenticeships. Funding will also support partnerships between workforce boards and youth serving organizations.
2) Opportunity Number: FOA-ETA-22-04 and Title: Pathway Home 3
- Estimated Post Date: Feb 08, 2022
- Estimated Total Program Funding: $55,000,000
- Award Ceiling: $4,000,000
- Award Floor: $0
- Expected Number of Awards: 15
- Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: No
- Eligible Applicants: For profit organizations other than small businesses
- Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
- Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)
- Public and State controlled institutions of higher education
- State governments
- City or township governments
- County governments
- Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)
- Additional Information on Eligibility: Non-profit organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) status, including women’s, minority, community, and faith-based organizations; public institutions of higher education, including Hispanic-serving, Historically Black, Tribally-controlled, and Alaska and Hawaii Native-serving higher education institutions; nonprofit post-secondary education institutions with or without 501(c)(3) status; state or local governments; any Indian or Native American entity eligible for grants under Section 166 of WIOA; and for-profit organizations; labor or labor management organizations; and industry organizations. Applicants, based on Employer Identification Numbers, who received funding from the FY 2019 Pathway Home 1 competition [FOA-ETA-20-02] and FY 2020 Pathway Home 2 competition [FOA-ETA-21-02] are not eligible to participate in this competition, and their applications will be considered non-responsive.
- Agency Name: Employment and Training Administration
- Description: The PATHWAY HOME 3 grant initiative supports occupational training aligned with their career and educational goals, and provides funding for services, such as case management, legal assistance, and transportation that support participants’ participation and success.
- The goals of the grant include:
- Provide individuals incarcerated in state correctional facilities or local or county jails with workforce services prior to release and to continue services after release by transitioning the participants into reentry programs in the communities to which they will return.
- Build on the findings of the Linking Employment Activities Pre-Release (LEAP) pilots and implementation study, which have shown potential for breaking the cycle of recidivism by linking participants to the workforce system early—while still in jail—and then immediately upon reentry into the community.
- Ensure that people transitioning from custody into reentry are prepared to meet the needs of their local labor markets with the skills valued by employers.
3) Opportunity Number: FOA-ETA-22-03 and Title: Growth Opportunities
- Estimated Post Date: Jan 20, 2022
- Estimated Total Program Funding: $60,000,000
- Award Ceiling: $4,000,000
- Award Floor: $0
- County governments
- Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)
- Special district governments
- Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
- Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)
- Independent school districts
- Additional Information on Eligibility: Regional government organization
- Agency Name: Employment and Training Administration
- The purpose of this program is to introduce and prepare justice-involved youth and young adults for the world of work through placement into paid work experiences. In addition to paid work experiences, the program encompasses occupational education in in-demand industries, leadership development, a mentorship component, and post-program placement into employment and/or education. These grants focus on youth and young adults most impacted by and associated with community violence, particularly in areas of concentrated crime and poverty as well as communities that have recently experienced significant unrest.
- Expected Number of Awards: 22
- Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: No
- Eligible Applicants: City or township governments
4) Opportunity Number: FOA-ETA-22-02 and Title Strengthening Community Colleges Training Grants
- Estimated Post Date: Jan 31, 2022
- Estimated Total Program Funding: $45,000,000
- Award Ceiling: $5,000,000
- Award Floor: $1,500,000
- Expected Number of Awards: 15
- Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: No
- Eligible Applicants: Public and State controlled institutions of higher education
- Additional Information on Eligibility: To be eligible an applicant must be a community college that is a public institution of higher education as defined in Section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act, and at which the associate’s degree is primarily the highest degree awarded.
- Agency Name: Employment and Training Administration
- Description: This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) solicits applications for the second round of Strengthening Community Colleges Training Grants (or SCC2). For the purposes of this FOA, this training initiative has two parts: the standard program grants will be referred to as SCC2 Program Grants and the additional evaluation funds will be referred to as Additional SCC2 Evaluation Funding. The purpose of this program is to address two inter-related needs: 1) to increase the capacity and responsiveness of community colleges to address identified equity gaps, and 2) to meet the skill development needs of employers in in-demand industries and career pathways, as well as the skill development needs of underserved and underrepresented workers.
- Ultimately, these grants should build the capacity of community colleges to equitably increase employment through educational and economic opportunity, by focusing on specific industry sectors and career pathways that will lead to more rapid reskilling and (re)employment in quality jobs. These efforts will yield sustainable systems-level changes in education and training through collaboration between community colleges, employers and the public workforce development system that align education and training, work experiences, and industry-recognized credentials that lead to career growth.
- Link to Additional Information: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/eta/skills-training-grants/scc
5) Opportunity Number: FOA-ETA-22-06 and Title: Apprenticeship Building America (ABA) Grant Program
- Estimated Post Date: Feb 07, 2022
- Estimated Application Due Date: May 10, 2022 Applications must be submitted electronically no later than 11:59 pm Eastern Time.
- Estimated Total Program Funding: $113,000,000
- Award Ceiling: $8,000,000
- Award Floor: $1,000,000
- Expected Number of Awards: 25
- Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: No
- Eligible Applicants: Public and State controlled institutions of higher education
- State governments
- Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
- County governments
- Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
- Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)
- Agency Name: Employment and Training Administration
- Description: The Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) for Apprenticeship Building America (ABA) grant program will solicit applications for the ABA grant program to support a coordinated, national investment strategy that aims to strengthen and modernize the RAP system centered on equity and promote Registered Apprenticeship as a workforce development solution. The ABA grant program will fund grants in four categories that advance the set of core principles noted in the FOA.
- Applicants have the opportunity to apply for funding across four grant categories: (1) State Apprenticeship System Building and (3) Modernization; (2) Expand Opportunities for the Number of Youth Being Served by RAPs; (3) Ensuring Equitable RAP Pathways Through Pre-Apprenticeship Leading to RAP Enrollment and Equity Partnerships; and (4) Registered Apprenticeship Hubs.
- The ABA grant program builds on the Department’s previous and ongoing efforts to expand and modernize Registered Apprenticeship through expanding the number of programs and apprentices, diversifying the industries that utilize Registered Apprenticeship, and increasing access to and completion of Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAP) for underrepresented populations and underserved communities.