Designing Integrated Education and Training Programs


I would like to spotlight the LINCS Resource on the Integrated Education and Training Design Toolkit. This toolkit focuses on IET solutions beginning with Research and Assessment and then moves through the design, development, and evaluation phase of the IET process. 

Throughout May, we will take a deep dive into each component of the toolkit, but I'd like to being with your questions.

  • What are your struggles with IET programs? 
  • What are your successes?  

Chime in this month and let's help each other plan effective IET programs for adult learners. 




To continue the discussion, let's look at workforce training. From the resource: 

The workforce training component of IET programs incorporates the specific occupational skills learners need to be employed for a specific job or cluster of jobs. Workforce training may include:

  • In-classroom or online occupational skills training 
  • On-the-job training
  • Incumbent worker training
  • Programs that combine workplace training with related instruction, like apprenticeship
  • Training programs operated by the private sector
  • Skill upgrading and retraining
  • Entrepreneurial training
  • Transitional jobs
  • Job readiness training provided in combination with services above
  • Customized training conducted by an employer or group of employers with a commitment to employ an individual upon successful completion of the training (e.g., apprenticeship, pre apprenticeship programs).

What models are you using? I'd love to hear your successes, innovation, and challenges. 



As we explore the IET toolkit, there's a self assessment. This Self-Assessment allows you to reflect on your IET program development, implementation, and sustainability efforts, and identify areas of the IET Toolkit that can help strengthen your efforts. 

Sections of the self-assessment include: 

  • Choosing the Focus of your IET Program, 
  • Designing your IET Program,
  • Developing and Delivering your IET Program, and 
  • Continuous improvement.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this assessment. 

Kathy Tracey


As we wrap up this month, I'd like to further explore the resource and unpack the How Might We questions. These questions frame all the opportunities you are exploring while at the same time, providing clarity around what you want to achieve.

  • Select one high-level How Might We question to guide your assessment planning. Examples include:  
    • How might we use IET to meet learner and business needs in our region?
    • How might we leverage the assets in our community to strengthen our IET programs?
    • How might we use IET to fill a gap in our community’s workforce development programming? 

These broad questions will allow space for innovation, new ideas, and enhanced partnerships. 

How can you use the How might we framework?
