Remembering Disability Rights Pioneer: Judith Heumann

Judith Heumann, often referred to as the mother of the disability rights community, passed away on March 4, 2023.  Judith helped revive legislation that set the groundwork for the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  She was present when President George H.W. Bush signed the ADA into law on July 26, 1990.

The disability rights movement was launched by Heumann and others in U.S., and yet her advocacy work lead to more than 180 other countries passing disability civil rights modeled after the ADA. 

Last October, as part of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, the American Institutes for Research (AIR) set down with Judith to hear more about her story, featured in “Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution,”  and her 2020 memoir, titled, “Being Heumann: An Unrepentant Memoir of a Disability Rights Activist”. Judith also shared insights into how organizations can develop a fully inclusive workplace for people with disabilities.  You can catch the full conversation with Judith here.

She will be missed, but her impact is indelible.  R.I.P., Judith Heumann.