Historically Marginalized Populations in the Community College System

Online webinar

Advancing equity is a priority of the Biden-Harris Administration. Community Colleges have historically played a key role in identifying and promoting interventions that advance equity and opportunities for marginalized populations. Join us for a series of three roundtables exploring how community colleges can better measure equity in their programs and incorporate strategies to improve employment-related outcomes for historically marginalized groups.

Would you like to learn more about effective strategies for advancing equity in the community college system? Join us for a conversation about strategies and resources that show promise in narrowing the equity gap at community colleges.

The Department of Labor’s Chief Evaluation Office and the Employment and Training Administration’s Office of Workforce Investment are jointly hosting these roundtables. This session brings together expert researchers to discuss evidence-based strategies for advancing equity at community colleges, with a particular focus on improving employment outcomes for marginalized groups. Topics will include accelerated education, academic advising, and holistic support models. The speakers will discuss recent research on programs and resources used by community colleges to reduce equity gaps.

The third roundtable will explore disparities in outcomes and equity gaps among specific historically marginalized populations in community colleges.

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