Online Translation

Hello colleagues, We have often been cautioned to be careful of online translation. However, it seems that online translation has improved quite a lot in recent years. Check out Scott Thornbury's recent blog on this topic, "M is for Machine Translation."

What has your experience been with the accuracy of online translation? Has the quality varied for different languages?

Cheers, Susan Finn Miller

Moderator, English Language Acquisition CoP



Susan, I use Google Translate, which has improved during the past year. At the same time I always add a note asking for any corrections from my Spanish speaking friends and students.I am curious to know why and what you translate,


Hi Paul, We often translate promotional materials in our program.There are times when we need a quick translation in class, and students often use Google Translate. My colleague, who is from Argentina, relies on for Spanish/English and English/Spanish translation. She has found it to be pretty reliable.

Cheers, Susan Finn Miller

Moderator, English Language Acquisition CoP