The Learning to Achieve Self Determination for Adults with Learning Disabilities online course asks users to consider one or more ways of developing self-determination that you might be able to incorporate into your work with adults having learning disabilities. Share your ideas and/or strategies for fostering self-determination.
A way I like to incorporate self-determination into my classroom is to get to know my students first. Find out what they are interested in and what they want to do for a living. Then research together with them what they would need to do to reach that goal and come up with plans on how they could reach those goals.
I think planning and setting realistic goals is a good way to incorporate the concepts of building self-determination in the classroom. Allowing students to have a part in planning their overall educational path and then reflecting on their successes and readjusting when they hit a barrier are great ways to help them find their own path and to show them they are far more capable than they originally believed. Many of our students are in our programs because public schools failed them at some point so we have to help them find a way to work through whatever barriers kept them from learning in public school and move them forward in our programs. Allowing them some control over their own situations can help build trust and confidence they need to succeed.
Self determination is a useful tool for CSP. It allows the individual to establish realistic self worth, removing stigmatism, and allowing the client to do a self examination. The environment plays a role in all six of the factors for self determination. Assessing the clients personality, strengths and weaknesses, allows the CSP to give pertinent feedback to the client. Thus, the client gets an honest inventory of likes, strengths, and weaknesses.
The Learning to Achieve Self Determination for Adults with Learning Disabilities online course asks users to consider one or more ways of developing self-determination that you might be able to incorporate into your work with adults having learning disabilities. Share your ideas and/or strategies for fostering self-determination.
I believe that the key to learning is relationships. Whether my adults have a learning disability or not, they would not be as successful on their learning journey if we did not have a positive relationship. My students open up to me and I am very aware of the personal roadblocks they have. My main goal is to make my classroom a safe place for students to share and as well as to foster supportive relationships. They all know that I believe they have value, and I certainly hope that if they did not know that starting the class, they know it now.
It is important to reflect and adjust. If something isn't working for them, I encourage them to explore what that is and we will work it out together. I provide them with choices or encourage them to come up with a plan that will work for them. I have a large class, and even if I shot down the middle I would miss so many of my students. I have to do my best to touch them all and I am open to help. Students are beginning to recognize their personal strengths and they are helping me help others. We are becoming a team.
It is really important for a person to acknowledge and be comfortable with theirself, learning disibilities included. They need to be able to see that it does not mean they cannot still do things, just that they may need to do them differently and that is okay. It is also very important they a person can reflect on what worked and what didnt so they can plan for next time.
I maintain that planning by the student guided by the professional is a key component . However, the student needs to feel positive about what they are doing and see even the lowest level of success.
My current student has just begun the assessment and diagnosis of her learning disabilities, so self-realization is the first component I will address with her. She has never been involved in public schools and has missed a lot. Planning, on her part as well as mine, will also be critical as we move forward with a plan that will work for her.
I have taught only children, until recently. I am looking forward to using these strategies for my work with adults.
I think its most important to be proactive. Don't wait......think ahead, and plan for things. I also believe it is important to continually reflect with every strategy you choose to use. Then, after reflection,adjust accordingly!
It was difficult to pick just two of the important factors to highlight, but if I had to choose just two factors then I would pick gaining self-awareness and planning. It’s important to understand one’s abilities; both strengths and weaknesses when thinking about what a person is capable of doing both in the classroom and in the workplace. That self-awareness can be empowering and help a person to plan and set reasonable goals for themselves, whether those goals are short-term or long-term, and that planning process is important for individuals to learn so they can put down on paper what they want to accomplish; identify potential barriers, resources, and steps involved in accomplishing those goals, and then take the steps necessary to fulfill their plan.