Two Truths and a Lie


"Two Truths and a Lie" is one of the activities that we did during the Science Workshop at COABE-PAACE.  It is a general teaching strategy which you may have used before.  Students generate three statements about virtually anything.  Two statements are are true and one is a lie.  Then, they challenge classmates to identify the lie.

We used the activity to really delve into the question:  "What does this graphic say?"  We began with a simple-looking graph on the Percent of Adults Receiving Influenza Immunization in 1999-2000 for people with asthma. The graph can be found on the CDC here:

What do you think of my statements?  Which statement is a lie, and why?

Statement 1:  Adults with asthma, age 65 and older, are the only age group to have a fewer percentage of people immunized in 2000, compared to 1999.

Statement 2:  The number of people with asthma, age 50-65, who were immunized in 1999 is over 40,000 people.

Statement 3:  The largest percentage of all adults with asthma who were immunized occurred in 2000.

We had a lot of fun doing this and, in some cases, ended up with two lies and one truth!



Cynthia, what a great activity!  This really gets to the skills of "analyzing and interpreting data", "constructing explanations", and "engaging in argument from evidence".   As you well know, these are three of the "Eight Scientific Practices" framework that appears in the LINCS free online course, "Engaging the Adult Learner in Science".

So, what do the rest of you think about Cynthia's statements?  Which one is the lie?  Or are there two lies?  How do we know?

Cheers, Susan