September 2014: College and Career Standards Group Snapshot: Join the Conversations!
The fall is an exciting time for teachers and students alike! While you still have a moment before classes start, take some time to browse through the new and ongoing discussions in the College and Career Standards Group and engage with your colleagues.
New and Ongoing Discussions
- Rigor and Conceptual Understanding: The Common Core Shifts in Mathematics: Struggling with teaching the Pythagorean Theorem? Watch how one educator reaches his students to understand this challenging concept:
- Do We Need Research on Adult Literacy/Basic Skills/ASE/ESOL/ESL/College Prep or Learning Disabilities Education? The U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences is welcoming responses from adult educators about what research is needed to help them plan their future work:
- 30 Leaders in the Field Speak Out: What about You? With the passage of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), the Center for Advancement of Adult Literacy has assembled thought pieces by 30 leaders in the field of adult education, including Johan Uvin, Jodi Crandall, Heide Spruck Wrigley, Lennox McClendon:
- What is Working? Take a few minutes to explain what resources are working well with your students. Share what curriculum and materials are being used at your site:
- OER STEM Pilot Tester Application Period Extended! There is still time to apply to be considered as a pilot tester of the new OER STEM online courses and facilitation materials! The deadline has been extended to September 15:
- Too Good To Miss: “25 Alternatives to Using the Word Great” – Read an article by Sarah Brown Wessling, a high school instructor and Teacher Laureate for the Teaching Channel who reflects on her overuse of the comment “great” in describing feedback for her class and students. She shares 25 alternatives:
- More Than $100 Million Pledged for My Brother’s Keeper: The White House has announced new commitments totaling more than $100 million in support of My Brother's Keeper, an initiative launched in February to expand opportunity and improve life outcomes for boys and young men of color:
- Invitation to Comment on the Implementation of Title II and Title IV of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act: OCTAE and OSERS have invited the public to offer comments and recommendations to help with the implementation of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Public comments were accepted through Friday, August 29, 2014:
- Ticket Out the Door: How many people use “Tickets out the Door” to formatively assess students’ learning at the end of class? Share your use of exit tickets to guide your lesson planning:
- CCRS & ESL: Colleagues share efforts in preparing adult ESL teachers to work with the CCRS standards:
- Teacher Stories about Using Standards: Achieve the Core compiled a special collection of videos of teachers reflecting on how they are implementing the Common Core in their classrooms:
- The Common Core and Formative Assessment: Watch how technology is used to assess student learning and give the instructor instant feedback in this 2-minute video from the Teaching Channel:
New Group Bulletins
- CCR Standards Project: The LINCS page for Implementing College and Career Readiness Standards in Adult Education as been recently updated. For information on the next phase of this initiative:
- Job Announcement: College and Career Pathways Specialist: The Bridge to College and Careers Program at LaGuardia Community College/CUNY is hiring a College and Career Pathways Specialist:
Have an announcement to share with other group members? Post to the Bulletin tab!
New LINCS Announcements
- There’s Still Time: Evidence-Based Professional Development Activity: The Professional Development group is hosting an activity, State Professional Development in a New Era. Join the ongoing discussion:
- WIOA Comment Period Now Open: The U.S. Department of Education hosted an open comment period on the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Comments were accepted until Friday, August 29, 2014.
- Don’t Lose Access; Reset Your LINCS Password: LINCS merged the log in process for the LINCS Learning Portal and the LINCS Community on August 5, 2014. In order to complete this merge, members are required to reset their password:
New to the College and Career Standards group? Introduce yourself here!
See you in the College and Career Standards group!
The LINCS Community Team