Concepts Across the Sciences: Stability and Change

Discover how graphs can highlight the crosscutting concept of  stability and change through an activity featured on the Library of Congress's (LOC) Teaching with the Library blog. Tailored for high school students, this activity guides both teachers and students in analyzing the graph "Death Rates for Selected Causes," found in the LOC's 1970 Atlas. It outlines diverse methods to integrate the graph into classroom learning and provides access to the document "Teachers Guide: Analyzing Charts and Graphs," which furnishes teachers with inquiry-based questions to guide students. For instance, they might explore the data presented on the graph, identify significant information, and interpret the numbers displayed.

Once students grasp the graph's content, the blog post proposes avenues for further exploration. For example, students can delve deeper by investigating the causes behind patterns of stability or change observed within specific time frames. They could also compare death rates for different diseases among various racial groups using the graph. The activity includes guiding questions for teachers to facilitate these discussions and more.

Happy Teaching!