Let's talk Storyboards in the Classroom

If you have visited our community or participated in our live events, you know I always like to bring the use of visuals for your consideration. This past 2023, I came across different articles exploring the versatility of storyboards as a powerful educational tool, applicable across various levels and subjects. 

Here is a summary of my readings: 

Storyboards, commonly used in filmmaking to visualize sequences, offer a structured approach to help students organize ideas, understand concepts, and represent their learning visually.

Defined as visual representations capturing sequences or actions, storyboards are adapted based on the complexity of tasks. They compress or expand to summarize concepts effectively, ranging from a few squares outlining an idea to multiple pages illustrating detailed sequences.

Storyboarding enhances students' thought processes by forcing them to chunk content logically. Visual storyboards aid in understanding concepts and facilitate immediate feedback and revisions. They offer flexibility for expansion, connection, and collaborative growth of ideas among students. Additionally, they enable students who struggle with verbal expression to convey their thoughts visually.

Recommendations for storyboard implementation cover various stages of a lesson or unit. It suggests using storyboards before, during, or after a lesson to summarize, explain, or outline concepts across different subjects. Educators share experiences of using storyboards to teach science processes effectively, enabling students to rearrange and enhance their storyboards as they learn.

Many pieces  emphasized the adaptability of storyboarding for any level and subject, illustrating its application in math, science, collaboration, and other learning areas. Both digital and physical formats offer flexibility, with digital platforms like Padlet, Canva, or Adobe Spark providing ease for extended projects.

Free storyboard templates from Canva

What's your experience with storyboards?