Program Management Colleagues,
The upcoming December 5th webinar, and the following online discussion, may be of interest to mangers of adult basic skills programs. In particular, I understand that the OSHA panelist will be sharing information about how programs can be set up as training centers, and the qualifications required to become a trainer. She will also share information that will be useful to programs that want to apply to the Susan Hardwood Training Grant Program:
David J. Rosen, Moderator
Program Management CoP
On December 5-7, 2016, the Career Pathways and Health Literacy groups will host a special activity on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) 10-hour certification/credential. Educators and program managers in career pathways (CP) programs can learn more about the value of the OSHA credential and how to effectively integrate workplace safety education curricula into CP programs.
The activity kicks off with a webinar on Monday, December 5th, from 3-4 PM (ET). Following the webinar, the special activity will continue with an online discussion on how to integrate OSHA materials into adult education classrooms and explore Workplace Safety, a freely available teaching resource for students at the Adult Secondary Education (ASE level).
This event will include four guest facilitators: Annette Braam, Assistant Director of Training Programs in the Office of Training Programs and Administration at the U.S. Department of Labor, and Emily Doherty, Senior Director for Careers in Manufacturing Programs at the Jane Addams Resource Corporation. Mike Redmond, the Lead Technical Instructor at the Greater West Town Training Partnership, and Cynthia Peters, editor of World Education, Inc’s The Change Agent, will also participate and provide their insights during the event.
No pre-registration for this webinar is required.